Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day


Glad to hear you got my awesome heart-card. It took me about 6 hours to get that drawing done... but I think it was worth it. Good to talk to you guys this week. Although it made me feel kind of trunky. Like makes me think about what's going to happen when I get home... which is weird... and best not to think about. But I guess you'd better start arranging people for me to marry since I expect to be married at most 6 weeks after I get home. Haha Elder Lee was telling me about how the only thing his mom talked to him about was how she's making all kinds of plans for him to marry his girlfriend when he gets home. He was like "mom why are you talking about this to me now?" haha. Pretty funny.

Good to hear you had the Johnsons come over to be your proxy children for mother's day. How old is Eric and Will now? Is Eric in high school already? Pretty wild. But I guess it's been like 3 or 4 years since we lived there last. We were listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir last night and listened to that one song that took the lyrics from John 3:16-17 which always makes me think about how we sang that in the choir in the Arlington ward which was pretty epic. Pretty great choir.

Which reminds me of yesterday when we sang one of those mother's day songs out of the children's hymn book with the elder's quorum. And the elder's quorum president president was like really hilariously professional about it. First of all he got bright red bowties for everyone which was hilarious cause it was like the cheesiest thing in the world but Elder Lee and I were talking about it and decided that they didn't see it as cheesy or weren't doing it to be funny. But we thought it was pretty hilarious. And then Felix's (the elder's quorum president) bowtie was different than everyone else's since it was white and he was conducting us like we were some kind of professional choir. So funny since we were not only an unprofessional elder's quorum, but an unprofessional chinese elder's quorum at that haha. It was pretty funny though. Such a weird program for mother's day... people just like went up and talked about their mothers and then one guy went up and read some random poem about mothers while another brother was playing this random song on the piano as background music. It was pretty weird. But I think our investigator Sister Meng was a fan. Especially of all the men in the branch and how they were all praising mothers and stuff. Her husband and 8 year old son are coming to the States in June or July which is pretty awesome. So lots of potential there.

That's cool that dad's chinese teacher finally made it to the states. Although to be honest, Falongdafa people are weeeirrrrdddd hahahaha. I ran into this Falonggong lady in San Francisco twice and she was talking our heads off about how awesome falonggong is for like 30 minutes each time. Finally, we ran into her AGAIN right by our apartment here in Oakland where she apparently lives which was hilarious and she talked to us for like an hour about how falonggong is the best and we should convert. Anyways, she ended up talking about how aliens gave us technology to harm us and how we shouldn't eat any genetically modified food because it will make our kids deformed. It was really really hilarious. But on the upside, she seemed like a nice person and is really committed to her faith, which I think counts for something since if all of our members were as active in spreading the gospel as she is in spreading falonggong, I think missionary work could really be going places. I really think the church has a lot of untapped potential in the members. I feel like the missionary program could be so much better if we could just get the members on board.

I'd better write my president's letter now... but I can probably call you on skype next time if you like. Since it seems like everyone else was using it. Well not everyone else... but some people.

Love you guys!


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