Monday, July 25, 2011

Two New Investigators


Howsit going? Sounds like it's going pretty well. Although I'm sorry you have to be back in Washington Humid Town. The weather is very splendid here to say the least. Like, really really nice. About every day. It hardly seems fair to the rest of the world to have such nice weather here. Especially since I've heard that the rest of the US is going through a pretty bad heat wave...

In other news, Brother Jiang is doing fanstastic. He has quit smoking altogether for about a week now, and after we taught him about keeping the Sabbath Day holy, quit his job so he can come to church. It really is amazing how strong his faith has become in such a short time of teahing him and Elder Luo and I can just see how he has been prepared by the hand of the Lord to receive the restored gospel. We are also trying to help him find a job and also find someone that can help him obtain a green card or some kind of legal status since he's been here for about 9 years illegally which is a bit of a barrier to his finding work easily. However, we visited with the branch president of the spanish branch here, President Deleon and he seemed optimistic that we could find help for Brother Jiang, since he said it's easier for Chinese people to get legal status than for people from south or central America, which is what he is more familiar with. Anyway, we're going back to see President Deleon tomorrow night and he says he will prepare some more information for us. I'm confident that God will bless Brother Jiang for his faith.

We also found a very promising new investigator through English class on Saturday. She just moved here from Toronto about 12 days ago where she had also had contact with the missionaries. She seems to have a very good impression of our church and even came to 2 hours of church on Sunday which was great. Unfortunately, her fiance, who seemed fairly receptive when we taught them, was unwilling to come to church for some reason we have yet to discover. However, we are confident that we will be able to unearth any concerns and will do our best to resolve them.Our zone focus this week is finding new investigators, which I think is also something that Elder Luo and I need to work on because although we are finding quite a few new investigators, a lot of them don't really seem to have much potential to progress. We also have a leadership conference this week which is cool. I'm excited to find ways that I can personally improve and help the rest of the zone to become more successful.

You could buy me some music to play... except I already have quite a bit of music... more than I have time to play anyway... You could get me some... socks? I don't know... It's tough to think of anything that I desperately want. I do want some Chinese study materials... like a dictionary. OH yeah! Elder Reed had a sweet dictionary called like the "Tuttle" something dictionary. For some Chinese proficiency test used in China called the like HSK or something like that... In any case, if you can find that dictionary based on the very detailed description I just gave of it, I would like that so I could have something to find common useful words to memorize....

In any case, I'd better go and let this sister sitting behind me get on the computer I'm using. That'd be cool if you moved to either Taiwan or Vietnam dad. I'd be supportive of either decision. Although Vietnam would be more fun...

Anyways, love you guys!

Thanks for your love and support. Have a great week!

-Elder Christensen

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