Monday, September 5, 2011

Caution: Do Not Wear a Wig to Your Baptism

Sept. 5, 2011


That's a sweet story about Nymka! That's exactly what I hope would happen with all our investigators. For example brother Jiang! Who we can only meet with on Wednesdays cause he's so busy and doesn't have time to meet with us any other day or get baptized. We also heard from one of our members who was down by his place of work, that she saw him smoking again... which is a bummer because it was pretty miraculous that he was able to stop... but I guess he's probably back in an environment where all his coworkers smoke so it'd be pretty hard to resist that kind of a temptation. Oh well, I hope there are more things in store for brother Jiang because his faith has definitely been weakening.

We have a couple really heavy people in our ward here too. It is really pretty sad that people would let that happen to themselves. There is definitely a genetic predisposition to obesity but I also believe that there's no reason to be obese if you have the will not to be. For example, I've been running every morning (except Sundays) since August 1st... although it's really hard and it seems like I have to force myself every time to build up the willpower to do it, it's definitely worth it. Hopefully.

Sister Sun's baptism went pretty well on Saturday. Not a huge turnout, but most of our Chinese group was there to support her which was great. I ended up being the one to baptize her cause we were a little pressed for time preparing her baptism and couldn't think of anyone else to do it haha. But it was a good experience. Kind of funny actually since she was wearing a wig (it looks so real!) and it kind of came off when she was baptized... but that's ok, at least we only had to do it once haha. She was like "this church is so much better than my church in China!" Haha. She is going over to Chicago this next week on the 13th but then we found out she's coming back after like 10 days and she'll be here for a couple more months which is really great cause we can continue helping her to understand the gospel and make sure she understands clearly that she needs to keep going to our church when she goes back to China.

Good to hear you're going out with the missionaries a lot lately mom! It'll definitely be a blessing! We have a really cool investigator scheduled for baptism this Saturday named Tony Zheng. I've probably talked about him before. I was a little concerned to teach him about the Law of Tithing since he owns a restaurant and really works pretty hard to earn what he has but I guess I should've had more faith cause he accepted it without a problem. We're going to go to the visitor's center with him tomorrow morning and getting everything set up for his baptism. It's going to be really great. Last week he was like "I want you to come by my restaurant more so we can talk more about the gospel" haha. We were like "Ok! No problem!"

That's interesting I was the center of attention in your primary cause we also went and did a presentation type thing in primary here too!

There aren't really any sights in our area... so... but we'll probably play some piano etc etc.

Anyways, I'd better go since there are a bunch of people waiting to use computers here in the FHC... but thanks for your letters and support!

Love you!


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